Reading Technologies, Inc. (RTi) started over 30 years ago with just one patent for a high quality filter, and expanded their product offering over time to feature over 1000 different high quality filter models.
Today, RTi is still improving and adapting their filter models to best fit a variety of compressed air applications worldwide. RTi's filters are reliable and innovative, which makes their filters a great choice for many different applications in a variety of industries.
Featured Products
Food Grade, 316 Stainless Steel, High Pressure Products
RTi's specialized products are designed to be used in specific applications.
- RTi's Food Grade products meet the needs of the food industry where FDA specs must be followed.
- The 316 Stainless Steel constructed filters are available in 60, 90, and 150 scfm.
- High Pressure Units are ideal for use in natural gas applications.

RTi's filter lines are designed to fit certain applications. Some filters can remove water and dirt from air while others can remove not only water and dirt but also oil and oil vapors. Here are just a few of their extensive line of filters:
- Eliminex Mainline Separator - removes water and dirt to 3.0 micron
- Eliminex Mainline Separator Combo - removes water, dirt, and oil up to 0.01 micron
- Eliminizer Mainline Separator - removes water and dirt up to 1.0 micron
- Coalescers - removes dirt and oil up to 0.01 micron
- Oil Extractor - removes water, dirt, and oil vapor up to 1.0 micron
- Oil Extractor Combo - removes water, dirt, and oil vapor up to 0.01 micron/0.003 ppm
- Eliminator II Desiccant Dryer - removes water, dirt, and light oil and lowers dew point to -40ºF.