Smart Vision Lights

Smart Vision Lights is leading provider of LED lights for machine vision & automation camera applications. Innovative LED lighting solutions.
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Cognex & SICK Compatible!
Smart Vision Lights has products that are compatible with Cognex In-Sight and Dataman cameras as well as SICK Inspector® cameras. These products can be mounted directly onto the cameras and feature powerful LEDs.
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Linear Lights
Linear lights, commonly known as bar lights, utilize a long line of high intensity LEDs and are ideal for use with machine vision systems, can be mounted on aluminum, and can also be easily connected for a modular lighting solution. They are available in standard, narrow, wide, and line optics with options for all standard and some custom wavelengths.

Ring Lights
Smart Vision Lights' ring lights are easily adapted to any vision system with four different standard mounting options. Ring lights are also available in wide or narrow angle lenses and a variety of different wavelength options.
Ring lights are also available in a variety of styles in order to best fit your application:
- EZ Mount Ring Lights
- Large Ring Lights
- Diffuse Ring Lights
- Over-Drive Ring Lights
- Mini Ring Lights

Back Lights
BackLights are innovative and highly versatile lights that offer backlit LEDs for a highly diffuse lighting option. They dispense an even light flow throughout the lighted surface area. These lighting solutions are designed with a built-in driver so that no external wiring is needed, which allows these products to be mounted in tight locations.
Smart Vision Lights offers a few different kinds of backlights: SOBLs (Standard operating BackLights), MOBLs (Maximum Operating BackLights), and LLPXs (Edge-Lit BackLights with Large Light Panels).

Structured Lights
Structured light projectors, or structured lights, utilize patterns and optics to provide a focused and structured light. Patterns are created with etched masks designed by customers to allow customizable shapes and sizes. Any kind of pattern shape can be easily integrated and projected. Additionally, telecentric lenses can be used for telecentric pattern projection.

Mini Lights
Smart Vision Lights provides customers with two options when it comes to miniature lighting solutions: Mini "Lini" Lights and Mini Ring Lights. Though the lights are designed to be compact in nature, it does not take away from their powerful LEDs.
Mini "Lini" Lights- are compact linear lights that are extremely bright and feature Multi-Drive™ technology to protect the LEDs from premature degradation and failure.
Mini Ring Lights - are compact ring lights that are extremely bright and feature Multi-Drive™ technology to protect the LEDs from premature degradation and failure.

Along with all the products mentioned above, Smart Vision Lights also offers a variety of other lighting solutions as well as custom light solutions. They will provide customers with a design form to properly understand the exact needs of the customer and in order to design the best solution for the application.
Other lighting solutions and custom lighting solutions include:
- Dome Lights
- LED Line Scans
- T-Slot Extrusion LED Lights
- Bandpass Filters
- Dark Field Lights
- Over-Drive Lights
- Wash Down Lights
- UV Color Box
- Spot Lights
- Brick Lights
- High Speed Lights
- Power Supplies
- Extreme Output Lights
- Dual-Axis RGB LED Lights
- Diffuse On & Off Axis Lights
- Other Lighting Accessories